Written By: Care New England on October 04, 2021
An autoimmune disease is a diagnosable and sometimes chronic condition that affects the natural abilities of your immune system to operate effectively. These diseases are very serious and while some are very common, others appear allusive and the symptoms can be misleading.
Have you, or a loved one, been recently diagnosed with an immunity problem? Do you suffer from a chronic autoimmune condition? If so, the key to maintaining your health and keeping up with your self-care at the worst of times is knowledge.
In order to truly understand what it means to have an autoimmune disorder, we have to understand the basics.
Your immune system exists to combat bacteria, viruses, and other infections. It is a process that is usually regulated by your body but upends itself when certain genes or serious diseases are present in your system. An autoimmune disorder drives the immunity process into disarray, wreaking havoc on your body.
An overactive autoimmune disease, such as arthritis, encourages your immunity-driven cells to attack the healthy cells almost anywhere in your body's tissue instead of the potentially damaging viruses and bacteria that may be present. It can no longer tell the good cells from the bad cells. This can cause extreme inflammation and pain.
It may seem as if your body has lost its ability to fully protect you, leaving you vulnerable to invaders and prone to permanent discomfort. It doesn't have to be that way. You need the absolute correct diagnosis and an individualized care plan for your particular disease and personal symptoms.
Did you know that there are more than 80 definitive autoimmune diseases? Many of these diseases are jump-started by an unknown source but can be chronic and debilitating in nature. Many times, the doctors cannot identify an accurate cause and will use your symptoms to place you into a diagnostic category. Not all autoimmune disorders are the same and not all are easy to diagnose.
There are many examples of common autoimmune disorders:
While this list is not exhaustive, it can give you an idea of how varied these autoimmune diseases are. There may be many more yet to be identified.
Many people can go years without a name for their problem or appropriate care for their symptoms as doctors desperately move down the list of diagnostic possibilities to give their patients some relief. For example, a person who suffers from Ankylosing Spondylitis may be given several diagnoses of other forms of arthritis before a special blood test may be arranged to check for disease probability.
You shouldn't have to suffer for years.
Further research on each of these diseases is a great need that can be alleviated by quality, experienced, and caring healthcare professionals dedicated to you as an individual, not as just another patient.
Relief from these diseases is both physical and psychological. A more holistic approach based upon the most recent advances in medical science builds the most effective care plan. The best medical team engages you in the discussion, works to meet all of your needs, and listens to your wishes.
You can trust Care New England to be there whenever you need us and our quality outcomes speak for themselves. Our providers fully believe in continued education where they can build on existing research and lead the world in innovative directions.
Contact us for the best and most effective help for your chronic condition. Our highly trained medical professionals with experience in individualized health plans are available to help.
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