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Community Health Needs Assessment

Care New England prides itself in its on-going efforts to assess community need and has always strived to respond with programs and interventions geared toward addressing these needs. Through targeted efforts, Care New England has worked to improve public health and the quality of life for the state and region. From staff involvement in community organizations to the role we play as educators for those aspiring to careers in health, from the sponsorship of community events to the everyday commitment of our health educators who lead a rich array of classes and programs at our institutions, we embrace our roles as advocates, teachers and good neighbors.

To help guide the community health efforts across the system, Care New England participated in a statewide comprehensive Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), led by the Hospital Association of Rhode Island (HARI), and its member hospitals from September 2015 to June 2016. A final report together with a plan to implement and indentify priorities was issued in September 2016 and are listed below.


Community Health Needs Assessment Final Report 

Community Health Implementation Plan